Dine Your Way To The Top
Etiquette is not just a subject or topic for finishing schools, but a portrayals of a way of life that comes with superb upbringing. It is the lovely icing on the cakes; the crown on your accomplishments; the polish that turns a rough carbon stone into a fine, dazzling and priceless gemstone. The mark of an excellent leader.It's not just about knowing how to sit, what to wear, how to eat or what to say, it is also about where to sit because of who you are and what to wear and say because of you want to become. Think of yourself several years from now, who would you like to become?
Whom would you like to interact with? Which dream destinations beyond your imagination would you like to visit and what will you be doing there? How would you like people to address you? What level of respect would you like to command? What expectations would you like to create for yourself? What skills will enable you to attain your highest goals in life? So, how frivolous will you be if you learn social skills?
Acquiring skills in etiquette takes us way beyond our limits. It makes us bolder than the lion and more confident than the eagle as we soar to unimaginable heights by our daily interactions with those who know what to do and how to do it with incredible class.
To start with, Here are few tips on how to dine like a diplomat for the high flying executive.
In general when eating, there are a few points you can keep at your fingertips to qualify you as a woman or man who knows his/ her way around the corridors of etiquette and politeness.
- First of all, never put your elbows on the table. This is for 2 reasons. One being that you might tip the table over when you lean forward. The second reason is that you would make it impossible for the two people seated at either side of you to speak to each other. This would be considered discourteous in a civilized environment. Think globally.
- Place your hands on your lap of your wrist on the table so that your hands are seen by others at the table. Hold your head high, keep your back straight - not allowing it to touch the back of the chair - and maintain a lovely smile on your face.
- Your host may consider it impolite if you add salt to the food before tasting it. It would appear as if you think that that food is tasteless.
- Condiments and side dishes such ad moin-moin, akara, chips of any kind and fried plantain should be dishes onto the side of the plate, and then added to each forkful of food.
- Avoid demanding for items, which have not been presented at the table. However, you may ask for a glass of water.
- Endeavour to contribute as much as possible to the conversation at the table. Avoid dominating the conversation. Remember to compliment your host on the food.
- Adjust your eating speed to that of those around you. Don't keep other diners waiting and don't finish your food at such a rate that you will have no choice but to sit and watch others finish their food. Pace yourself with others at the table.
- No matter how delicious the food may be, do not scrape the plate. Leave a little bit of food on the plate.
- Eat only small mouthfuls and don't smack your lips or make strange sounds while eating.
- Try and get someone else on the table to pass you the items that you need rather than stretching across the table to get it. When passing the salt, pass it together with the pepper, the two items are always passed together.
- When sneezing or coughing, turn your face away from those dining and cover your mouth with your hand or a handkerchief.
- Avoid having to leave the table while eating. But if you do need to leave the table, place your napkin on the seat. It is not appropriate to dump a dirty napkin on the table while others are still eating. When you finish your meal, carefully place the napkin on the left hand side of your place setting. When getting up, just say "Excuse me" and then leave.
- Don't apply lipstick at the dinning table, especially at a formal occasion. Use the restroom or excuse yourself to somewhere more private to take care of your appearance.
- if you and your friend have decided to share food at a restaurant, ask for additional plates and a clean cutlery that will be used in dividing the food.
- If you have got something in your mouth and you would like to have a drink, first finish chewing, swallow it and then have the drink.
Dine Your Way To The Top
Reviewed by Unknown
May 24, 2016

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