Setting The Atmosphere For Amazing Interiors

Setting The Atmosphere For Amazing Interiors, AIR IT OUT, ONE ROOM AT A TIME, GIVE EVERYTHING ITS OWN HOME, LEAVE NOTHING UNTOUCHED, ACCEPT THE MESS AND VISUALIZE YOUR END GOAL, LifestyleIt is imperative that the home is seen as a sanctuary, that sacred place filled with unrivalled beauty, balance and harmony. For most people getting your home to be this place can be an ordeal as you wonder, "where do I start from? The kids, the partner, the clutter... How is this even remotely possible?" It is and we will show you how. But remember, sorting the growing mess out is only the first step;
maintaining it over time is crucial as the benefits are invaluable. The ease with I which I put pen to paper does not mean I am ignorant of the realities of Nigeria,
however I promise you that through the limitations we face- the constant instability in electric power, the lack of water supply in the most areas and the plethora of other issues- it is extremely possible to have a beautiful home with any budget .

Let's face it, no one really wants to live by a list of do's and don'ts, but at certain times rules are important so that order can be maintained, nonetheless the word 'rules' still sounds slightly heavy, so I will simply call then nuggets:

See the mess for what it is and accept that there is a lack of order in your personal space. Understand that the clutter adds to the heaviness that comes from your everyday and that it is extremely unhealthy. Visualize what you want your ideal home to look like, then get cut-outs from magazines, create a mood board, if you have to, that depicts what you eventually want your perfect hone to look like. That's the very first step to getting your home in order. Once you have a clear picture of where you're headed you are well on your way to achieving that divine home and creating you unique blend of balance and harmony within your personal space.

Never procrastinate: put ironed clothes away immediately, dirty clothes in a laundry basket and dirty plates in the kitchen sink, open all received mail and deal with it, ensure plates and cutlery are put away once dry and so on. You will find that this one rule will get you organised and ensure that clutter is gradually cleared up. The alternative, of course, is to be too lazy to put anything away, leave it all till the next day and then the day after and watch it spread through the house like a forest fire, bringing along with it a plethora of rodents and very aggressive pests in your personal space.
Procrastinating on a task or leaving an item alone to be dealt with later could save you time today but cause you more time later.

Let every item group in your home have it's own place: all books are kept in order on a bookshelf or cutlery is kept in a drawer, long-sleeved shirts are grouped in order in your closet, underwear is neatly tucked away and so on. As you do this you will notice that when an item is out of sync with the order you are attempting to create you feel somewhat uneasy and would want to ensure it returns 'home' as soon as possible.

Deciding a specific space for everything you own also means that you have a pretty good idea of where everything is and that you can find anything in your home in a matter of seconds.

Clearing the clutter and organizing your home can be physically demanding and emotionally draining, especially if you are doing it alone. Don't forget that the clutter in your home has grown to what it is over the years, it is simply impossible to get rid of all of it in a day and some people it just might take a good few months. My advice is simple: take baby steps and spend 10 to 15 minutes a day and get at least one space organized, then progress in small increments. Determine to do this each day or maybe even twice a week. After a month or so, stop and assess your progress and you will be shocked at how much you have accomplished. Rushing things will only overwhelm you and may even lead to giving up.... the very last thing we need at this stage.

Personally I'm extremely aware of the scent a room carries, at some stage I will deal with creating an ambience with fragrance and oils, but for now simply 'air your space'. Negative energy can easily mask itself as unpleasant odours. Simple ways to avoid bad smells and contain odours include dusting regularly, opening windows (please be safety conscious and use mosquito nets), regularly cleaning, not smoking indoors and using odour neutralisers or simply putting down the toilet lid. Fresh flowers, scented candles, air fresheners and essential oils can add specific fragrance to the air and redirect positive energy but this should never be used to cover bad smells. Always expel bad odours at the source before adding new fragrances.

Home is where the heart is, it is also where your spirit is rejuvenated and where you gather your thoughts and make future plans. Take the time to invest your energy and resources in getting your home to where you need it to be. Create an environment of calm, balance, beauty and harmony one moment at a time.

Setting The Atmosphere For Amazing Interiors Setting The Atmosphere For Amazing Interiors Reviewed by Unknown on May 23, 2016 Rating: 5

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