How Single Lady Face The Truth

How Single Lady Face The Truth, Single Lady, Truth
Many of us have been disappointed at one times or more than. Failure to satisfy hope, desire and expectation results in disappointment. Disappointment can lead to discouragement and if care is not taken can lead to denial. When you get into denial you fail to appreciate and to understand the reality and the depth of your situation.

Inability to face the problem or issue confronting you will resulting in your inability to face the truth surrounding your situation. This will ultimately prevent you from forging ahead and breaking through your problem. Sometimes disappointment can be a blessings but often times you fail to see the blessing in a situation when you are disappointed.

"Facing the truth" is one of the hardest challenges that confronts a person. To face the truth, you have to recognize the truth. The opposite of truth is a lie! Many believe in the lie of their situation and so fail to recognize the truth.

Many women have put themselves in bondage because they have come to believe a "lie"

Many who have suffered disappointment believe they can never be happy again. Many who have failed believe they can't "start" again. These are lies of devil to prevent you from facing the truth.

The old saying: "The truth is bitter" is so true. Many people know the truth but find it hard to face up to it because the truth is not always convenient.

Many single women are in relationships that they know are not ordained by God. For some they are entangled with married men as mistresses.

Some single women in this situation are quite happy to remain as mistresses as long as their financial and emotional needs are met, but for some, they get entangled with these men with the hope that the men will some day leave their marriage to pitch tent with them and marry them.

The truth is, most men never leave their wives for mistresses. A single women in this situation is living a lie! If you are currently in a situation similar to this, you need to wake up, give up the lie and face the truth!.
Are you a young single girl in a relationship with a man that you know is not God's will for your life, but because you are afraid to remain single for much longer you are hanging on to this man? You need to face the truth. It is better to face disappointment before marriage than in marriage. Maybe yours is a case of an already failed marriage or relationship.
It is alright to believe God for reconciliation, but in doing so, you must also seek God's will.

"Many people know the reality but they find it very hard to face up to it because the truth is not always convenient."

Our God is perfect and His ways are not our ways.

Many divorced women are held bound to their ex-husbands because they will not face the truth. In some cases, the man walks out of the marriage, goes ahead to start another relationship but still keeps the ex-wife emotionally tied to him because he knows that she wants reconciliation which he is not interested in. The woman needs to faces the reality because, most man is simply taking advantage of the woman's vulnerability and availability. The woman needs to face the truth, take charge of her emotions and move ahead with her life and dreams.

The truth is, the storms of life will come so you need to be rooted and grounded in Jesus to see you through... You need to put your hop and trust in Him, not in man.

Many times, until you face the truth that is confronting you in your situation, you cannot forge ahead and see what God has for you in your future.

"Stop looking regretfully at a closed door, because you will fail to see the one God will open for you."

Maybe you are a widow who hasn't got over the death of her spouse. You need to pay to God to heal you so that you can face up to the reality of loss of your spouse because sadly, the truth is, he is not coming back. Facing up to that truth will help you to heal faster, denying the reality doesn't change the situation.

Sometimes facing the truth is facing your fears. Fear would prevent you from seeing what is ahead of you. Fear would hold you and prevents you from stepping out in faith.

Be strong, courageous and firm, fear not, for it is the God who goes with you, He will not fail you.

The source of fear is Satan. You need to bind him and cast him out of your life in order to face the truth!.

Is not only death and divorce devastating losses people face. Losing a career can be traumatic. When this happens, you need to trust God and believe him for a new beginning. Losing one's job can be the stepping stone to greater heights and opportunities.

The most effective way out of devastated and disappointment which leads you to the road of truth is the Word Of God.

How Single Lady Face The Truth How Single Lady Face The Truth Reviewed by Unknown on May 23, 2016 Rating: 5

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