Choices You Won’t disappoint Making This Year

Choices, Online Accounts, Food, thankful, journal, present, immediate, encouraged, others, walk, smile, laugh, Lifestyle, Utter words, Speak Up, Gistpeeps, regret, disappoint,  We all have undergone feelings of disappointed. We’ve made bad choices and delay many opportunities. I disappointed missing a lot of necessary things in my lives. Now that another new year is almost here, I want to start a new life with no disappointed. I want to understand how to make opportunity that I will never disappoint. I want to wake up on 31st December 2016 with a sense of joy, achievement, and self-esteem. I know what disappointed is and I do not want to feel it anymore again. If you are on the same ship, check out the opportunity you will not regret making in 2016.      

  • Remove your online accounts. 
There are many advantages of using dating sites and social media. They allow us to chat with those we cannot see in life. However, there are many negative aspects they have. You do not want thieves or larceny to know your personal details. Social media and dating sites accounts can tell a lot of absolutely necessary information about you. You can make use of email to chat with your closest friends, after all. Not only will you prevent yourself by removing your social media and dating sites accounts, you will improve your productivity and take off distractions from your lives.        

  • Share a food
Be it co-workers, friends, animal or homeless child; share your meal with them. Sharing a food with a friend or neighbor is the best way to build a strong relationship, create cool memories and strengthen a friendship. Sharing some meal with animals or homeless child is one of the good ways to make the world a good place. The world is full of selfish people, so do not be one of them.

  • Start a thankful journal
The importance of thankful is very great. It is universally known that thankful people live good and longer life. In 2016, start a thankful journal. You won’t disappoint it. Identify your lives as a gift and stay thankful for those little things you’ve. I once die in my dream and I wake up I was so grateful for being alive back. This dream totally changed my lives. I thank my life; keep a thankful journal and do not disappointed about it. 

  • Be more immediate
Choose to be more immediate in 2016. Take breaks from your laptop and android phone. Live in the immediate. Enjoy the nice things around you, not the screen of your android or smartphone and laptop. Checking your message every 30 minutes won’t make you glad. Plus you will not remember what you saw online in 5 years ago, which mean you’ll have nothing to share with your friends or co-workers. No interesting stories. No admiration memories. 

  • Encouraged Others
We cannot escape the hard times. We can advise one another, though. If you know someone who is going through the difficult times, advise them to stay strong. Your words of advised do not necessarily have to be complex. Just say what your mind wants to say. Even if no one assists you during hard times or situation, show others that you are good then they think. 

  • Take a walk 
Whether alone or with someone you like, take a walk on a daily basis. Why? Because it is proper for your physical health. When strolling, your worries disappear away and new ideas and aims appear. When you stroll and communicate to your mummy, co-worker, neighbor or friend, you stay immediate in the world. You find out many things about life and others. Leave your Smartphone and Laptop at home or in office. You will not need them.   

  • Smile 
Life is not smooth but it is also very short. You do not know when your life will end (you do not have to know!) smile as usually as you can. For no cause. Just laugh. Life is wonderful, the worry is not worry and difficulty is not a difficulty when you spend every day with a laugh on your face. In 2016/ 2017, master an art of smiling for no cause. You will love it, I promise.       

  • Utter Words
Never hide your feelings. Do not stop your feelings. You do not need to offer animal, plant, or human life in order to keep good peace with people around you. If someone does not love what you say, do you need them in your lives? I do not think so. You have the ability and power of becoming who you want to be, but you will not do it if you continue to stop your feelings and ideas. There will always be someone who will want to assist or ruin you. Keeping quiet is not a way out. There is nothing bad than living the lives you do not want. The feeling of disappointing is powerful. It has destroyed the life of many people. Do not let that feeling ruin your own lives. Make a smart opportunity to feel no disappoint down the road. You are able to become the good version of yourself. What do you disappoint the most? I wish you happiness in 2016/ 2017.
Choices You Won’t disappoint Making This Year Choices You Won’t disappoint Making This Year Reviewed by Unknown on September 12, 2016 Rating: 5

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