Creating The Perfect Nursery Room

Furniture, Bedding, Accessories, Decor, Lifestyle, Nursery Room, Exciting Time
Getting ready for a new baby is a joyous and exciting time. In addition to taking care of the mom-to-be, choosing names, and arranging for child care and changes at work, the couple needs to prepare a nursery room for the baby.
Decorative choices can be made a little easier if you start with basics and choose a theme that will help you stay focused when shopping for furniture, bedding, accents and wall accessories. Here are some steps to guide you through the process so that everything will be in place when the blessed event finally happens.

1.    Start with the basics
Start with an item that you love for the nursery. Such as pillow, blanket or storybook cover or print. Use that as your guide for choosing colors and accents. A theme doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to fill the nursery with cartoon characters. You can go with a color them and then accent it with your choice of
decorative accents. For example, if you start with soothing pastel yellows and greens, you can add thematic accents such as bunnies, storybook characters, flower, teddy bears or hot air balloons. Virtually any theme will work against a pastel background and white wood trim always looks clean and crisp against pastels. Keep it visually interesting for the baby by mixing colors. For instance, the wall behind the crib could be a deeper color, or you could add stripes below or above a chair rail, or mix wallpaper or a wall paper border with paint.

2.    Choose Your Furniture

Classic choices are your best bet. Stained wood furniture or timeless white furniture will work any color scheme or decorative preference. Highly stylized baby furniture or themes that are permanent features are not only more expensive, they are not as versatile. It is also not as easy to pass down furniture that is oriented toward a particular gender or theme.

3.    Arrange the Furniture
Purchase your most important pieces first, such as the crib, bassinet, dresser and storage pieces for diapers and supplies. If there is enough room, add a comfortable rocker for your own comfort during 2:00a.m, feedings. A blanket chest, side table, and bookcase are other options to consider once you have taken care of the baby’s basic needs. 

4.    Bedding, Accessories and Decor
Now that the basics are in place, you can start to introduce accessories and decorative items that will accentuate your theme. Bedding can really bring the color combination to life. Mix plaids with checks and stripes in yellows, greens, hot pinks and baby blues. Try something different from the usual pink and blue, such as light blue with lavender and the pop of white polka dots. By bringing color center stage you can introduce in any them, from sailboats to farm animals.
Creating The Perfect Nursery Room Creating The Perfect Nursery Room Reviewed by Unknown on August 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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