Why Won't We Love Our Sisters ?

Why Won't We Love Our Sisters ?, Sisters, Love
Life blesses us with so many gifts; one of the richest is the gift of a good sister. Their sacrifice could be close to a mother's, their love akin to a lover's and their companionship like a best friend's. Never take a good sister for granted; if you have got a good sister, celebrate her, she deserves it.

Yes, we have bickered, picked on each other, and fought over everything imaginable. We have fought over dolls, dad's attention, clothes, crushes- (the dashing guys in our class/ neighborhood) LOL! Yes, we have fought over the teeniest things to the 'heart' matters, but with time have come the understanding that sisterhood is one of the wonderful relationships we have been privileged to share. Maybe we need to go down memory lane to jiggle our memories a bit and recollect ways our sisters have been more than just sisters to us. They have been -

1. Our playmate
Those childhood days when the house could have been a bore, we somehow found fun together. From playing mummy with dolls to acting as a teacher for the chairs in the rooms, we found a way to have great fun together. Memories of those days still bring a smile to our face.

2. Our companion
Remember the late night 'pillow talks'- takes of fun, hurt, love, betrayals, concerns, success and so on, how your sister was there comforting you or rejoicing with you as needed. When she was away in school, how you missed those times of late night gist and wished she was there.

3. Our style consult
The pile of 'rejected' outfit kept getting higher, nothing seems suitable. You so needed to 'concoct' a head turning outfit for that date and no 'prefect' outfit seemed anywhere is sight. Who was there to help you out? Your sister, of course, her words of encouragement turned an earlier unsuitable outfit to the gorgeous one fit for the date. She saved you from further worries.

4. Our Extra Wardrobe
Remember when you got tired of your same old outfits, you did not have to go shopping the next days, your sister's wardrobe was just next to yours....

5. Our Confidant
Who do you tell issue bothering you? Do you remember when you seriously needed to tell someone about your love or health concerns, someone who cared? Was it not your sister you called up? And who get the nitty-gritty details of your first crush? LOL.

6. Our Competition
Yeah, may be this was not so needed or positive, but when you reflect you realize how your desire to cook better than your sister made you a better cook, how trying hard too match your sister's reading skill made you an ardent reader, how your competition to look better than your sister heightened your dress sense... It would seem that our competition somehow made us better.

The worth of our sisters' roles can not be quantified- from the mundane roles like the ones above to the vital roles that have played in our lives. For some of us, they have been more than sisters or friends; they have been like mothers to us. And for others, sisterhood has been beyond blood relations, as they have had friends who have transcended beyond mere friendship to be more like sisters. But for those whose sisters have been the opposite of what a sister should be, I will implore that you let go of the hurt and betrayals, it's in letting go that you are made free yourself .
Forgive them, sisterhood is about forgiveness.

The focal point of this sisterhood celebration is to get us to realise that it's by being there that we are honored, in being 'care-full' that we are cared for. Let's endeavor to be there for someone, live someone unconditionally and give of ourselves to be a blessing to another. Let's be the sisters our works needs, and not deny our world of the great blessings of sisterhood.

Why Won't We Love Our Sisters ? Why Won't We Love Our Sisters ? Reviewed by Unknown on May 19, 2016 Rating: 5

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