Man Rescued During Suicide Attempt Because Of Dogs Death
He lost 8 dogs (four boerboels and four pitbulls) in the space of 2 week. This led to his fatal decision on suicide. He was rescued by neighbors who saw him dangling on ceiling fan hook.
The sad incident took place in Ajah, Badore axis. Each dogs cost 350k.
He wrote a sorrowful message to one of his dog:
we cannot cheat death... we cannot deny death... we can only say shits about death...have you ever lost someone so close...maybe a person or a dog...I cannot believe that was our last hug...we ruined time...u always bark at the right time...and always got my back to the last was never my object for you to get killed...why would I want to destroy something I helped built...that wasn't my intention... my intentions were good...I want you in my whole career but people still say am cruel...two pits in a pit fighting for title... blood on the dance floor with teeth clattering each other like who's going to worship it's idol...but I lost you BRITNEY, yeah I owe you BRITNEY, and you know I love you BRITNEY.
Man Rescued During Suicide Attempt Because Of Dogs Death
Reviewed by Unknown
November 05, 2016

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