Largest Super Yacht built by Russia Billionaira

Russian billionaire built a new sailing super yacht, he thinks it should be no less than 450 meters in length!

In the past, Andrey Melnichenko invested over 250 Million Dollars in building something he called Yacht A. And now he is enjoying something everyone who see it call the SUPER YACHT.

This vessel costs over 230 million UK pounds. It would be the largest among the presently sailing ones. When his first boat sailed into the Themes River in London, people were impressed and even shocked.

The new one has 8 decks on it and the luxury of them is hard to describe. At this the huge vessel can accommodate only 20 guests!

The masts of the yacht are the tallest in the world and are made out of carbon. The boat is called Sailing Yacht A. It was built in Germany. It has three masts and their height amounts to 100 meters! Well, we only hope this ship would not become the new Titanic, punished for the arrogance of people who built and navigated it!.. More Photos Below.......

Largest Super Yacht built by Russia Billionaira Largest Super Yacht built by Russia Billionaira Reviewed by Unknown on October 05, 2016 Rating: 5

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