Ways to Tolerate People You Dislike

Tolerate, Dislike, Opinion. hard, too high expectation, feel, concentrate,
Everyone keeps telling us to stay away from harmful people but what to do when you have to talk with them on a daily basis? Maybe your coworker, friend or roommate, you cannot just quit a job or find another good place to live. Someone doesn’t like you while you dislike another person. That is the earth we live in, so why not treat everyone with respect?
This is the best way to simplify your moral standards and reduce your stress. No one is an expert, after all. I spent four (4) years trying to change my ex-girlfriend because I actually did not like her (well, I have no reason why I dated her), rather than concentrating on my needs and personal growth. Don’t try to change those you dislike, here are some tips to deal with them without hurting you. 

  • Accept their opinion
Isn’t, because you don’t agree with their opinion does not mean that you’re also right. Spending some minutes with them proving they wrongs isn’t only a waste of effort but is also a destructive habit.
Everyone is different. The more people, the more points of view. Even if you don’t accept their opinion, just try to accept it in any way. Don’t show your weakness. You should always show your high level of understanding.  

  • Realize that everyone is hard to understand in their own way
If you have distress interacting with a person, think about someone who has distress in interacting with you. Quarrel, Fight, and argument are the results of differences in merits.

You may not understand the person you don’t like, but it doesn’t mean they’re as worst as you think.  It means that both of you are hard to understand in your own ways. You’ve different attitudes, merits, and trusts that prevent two of you from getting along with each other always.    

  • Never set too high expectations about them
This always happens in relationships, but it turns out we face the same uncertainty or difficult on a daily basis. If you have no opinion how to deal with people you literally dislike, start with yourself first. Do you expect them to understand, think, conduct and talk the way you would? Do you feel discouraged and provoked when they do the things you can never do?

 Always remember they aren’t you. Everyone has the choice to live the life as they wish and nobody has the right to disagree. Never setting too high expectations about those you dislike. Accept them the way they are.  Do not discuss the topics you know will make them angry with you. Whether it is your friend, family member or neighbor, you cannot just say goodbye to them. Cultivating a better manner about them is a good way out.

  • Let them know how you feel
It is better you remain mute or silent in complicated conditions, speaking up is necessary too. People that you dislike should know their thought style, manners make you feel discourtesy or rudeness and affect your good level.

Always be kind and showing good behavior to others. Don’t respond when you’re angry. Take a few seconds to calm down and try to clear your mind from negative thoughts.  If you’re harsh to them, they will be harsh to you too. The matter will never be solved then.

  • Concentrate on your life.
Since you’ve no ability to change the person, just stop concentrating on the way they live their life. You have your own lives that you need to change all the time. You have your own failure, problems, and faults. Concentrate on them.

Instead of thought about the bad habits that person possesses, concentrate on why you’re behaving the way you’re. When you’re occupied with your own life, you don’t notice others. It is a good way to deal with those you dislike than just ignoring them.

Oftentimes, we didn’t have a choice when it comes to the people we have to communicate with on daily basis. It’s all about your manner, not them. Stay away from people who make you feel sad or angry.  It doesn’t mean ignoring them, is the best way.

Just aim to talk with them. For instance; 1 hour per day, and no more. Most importantly, imagine how people who dislike you permit you and it will be easier for you to handle those you dislike. How do you permit people who bother you? 
Ways to Tolerate People You Dislike Ways to Tolerate People You Dislike Reviewed by Unknown on September 09, 2016 Rating: 5

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