Ways To Ensure You Dwell In Harmony With Loved Ones

One major cause for rancor in the home is un-forgiveness. Until we learn to truly forgive from our heart, harmony will remain an illusion in the home.
Forgiveness accepts that truly you have been hurt, but when the offender comes to apologize, no matter what the offender is we should forgive and forget.
Suppose the offender refuse to accept the wrong or to apologize? Demonstrate greater strength BG drawing the offenders' attention to the offence and it he doesn't accept, free yourself from entanglement of bitterness and heartach by trashing the offence and move on.

Each time you forgive, you set a prisoner free. And that prisoner is you. Why should you let yourself live in bondage and die away because somebody else chooses to live an obstinate and unrepentant life? Don't live an unhappy life and end up in the hell because someone else has refused to do the right thing. Forgive one another.

"Don't live an unhappy life and end up in the hell because someone else has refused to do the right thing"

True love is sacrificial. You give your time, affection, possession, everything. Your strong drives is to seek the comfort well-being and happiness of your partner. Unfortunately, we are in a world that is egocentric and self-seeking. This is the major cause of chaos in our society. If half of the population in our society would seek the good of one another, we would live in a peaceful world.
Suppose your partner is the hard non tolerant type? You can't fault love. If you demonstrate your love to your partner by selfless, you'd break that partner's resolve.

Happiness, they say, is like perfume. You can't put it on others and not smell it yourself. If you seek the good of your partner and what makes him or her haply, you will be happy yourself. And that is what harmony is all about.

As your partner is weak in certain areas. So are you also weak in other areas.
You may be self-justified to be upset by someone else's weakness, but you really don't have the right to do so. Nobody creates weakness; we only grow out of it. The best way to help the other person out of their weakness is to show tolerance.
How do you put up with someone who snores heavily? A dragging stammerer, a critic or a grumbler? What if your partner is the conservative type while you are the social, outgoing type? Or are you the spooky and meticulous one and the other person eats like squirrel, do you part ways? Tolerance will work out harmony.

Dwelling in harmony is not a gift or some special talents we were born with. It is an achievable phenomenon we deliberately work at attaining. We consciously press towards achieving it. Start by making positive compliments. Whenever you see anything good in your partner, compliment. This is a step towards brining heart to knit with hear.
Refusal to compliment one another can leave room for a cold relationship and could even lead to cold wars, strife, envying and even hatred. Each time you sincerely compliment the other person for any good feat achieved, you should feel good as well. This is a step towards harmony.

Another step to attaining harming is not to keep offences or grievance in your heart. Even God didn't condemn anger but letting it linger leads to sin. When you hurt or are offended and you bottle up your ill-feeling, the tendency is for you to develop bitterness and unforgiveness. If you hurt too bad and cannot let go, approach your offender and report how you feel about the wrong done to you. Of the offender accepts and apologises, fine. If not, take solace in the fact that you have vented your feelings out, put it behind you and move on. The other fellow can get challenged by your positive attitude to life and get transformed.
Don't report your ill-feeling with the motive of venting your spleen to get back at the other person to give him/her a piece of your mind. That piece of your mind can cost you a great relationship. Always be positive in your attitude.

Whichever line of attitude you adopt, good or bad; peaceful or hostile; harmony or strife, remember, the next generation your children, others around you who get inspired by you- will be infected by it. So, you are either making the world a better place to live in or creating a catastrophe environment to fight in.
Strive to purse the spirit of peace by working to dwell in harmony with your partner at home and others in the neighborhood; you will discover there's nothing sweeter and pleasant like dwelling in harmony.
May we end the year peaceful and dwelling in harmony.

Knowing the fact therefore that conflict is inevitable where two people come together, a middle line of compromise should be sought for to stroke an equilibrium. No man has it all, hence why two halves make a whole. We are meant to fit in and complement one another.

Ways To Ensure You Dwell In Harmony With Loved Ones Ways To Ensure You Dwell In Harmony With Loved Ones Reviewed by Unknown on May 09, 2016 Rating: 5

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